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Earth Day Reading List

Published onApr 22, 2020
Earth Day Reading List

punctum books joins the quarantined peoples of the world in celebrating Earth Day, the day on which we recognize that the care for our planet entails the care for ourselves and our fellow inhabitants, whether animal, vegetal, or mineral in nature.

Perhaps this is a suitable time to browse through our Anthropocene-related titles, or pick up one of the following open-access titles:

Encyclopedic in scope, Anthropocene Unseen: A Lexicon, edited by Cymene Howe and Anand Pandian gives an expansive overview of human impact on our planet and the manifold ways in which the Anthropocene as geological era has arrived.

Each entry proposes a different way of conceiving this Earth from some grounded place, always in a manner that aims to provoke a different imagination of the Anthropocene as a whole.

Covert Plants: Vegetal Consciousness and Agency in an Anthropocentric World, edited by Prudence Gibson and Baylee Brits, ventures into the realm of thinking of, with, and through plants, exploring their agencies, and listening to what they can teach us about our own place in the world.

At a time when urgent calls for restorative care and reparative action have been sounded for the environment, this essay volume presents a range of academic and creative perspectives, from evolutionary biology to literary theory, philosophy to poetry, which respond to the perplexing problems and paradoxes of vegetal thinking.

Celina Jeffery’s Ephemeral Coast, S. Wales, is a curatorial project that investigates the liminal space of the coastline – where water and land meet and collaborate in the creation of complex ecospheres. As the “frontlines” of the ongoing climate catastrophe, this visual and theoretical exploration of the coast offers a cultural analysis of anthropogenic climate change.

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