“Might we consider ρan-ρan as a technology of immersion that digests and metabolizes its subject matter, its writers and its readers within a quasi-script of hyper-condensed and infinite connections? We do not simply parse this script: we already participate in its expanded gut-brain-mall matrix. For the ne- omedievalism demonstrated back to us here is not the forecasting of an impending new dark age, but rather the thick present presented thickly; a kaleidoscopic gamespace of lossy anachronisms and temporal mixta; a flatland theory-LARP of infinite side-quests and experimental connections; a Mixed Reality sys- tem compositing a multitude of adversarial ‘nows’ in real-time.”
– Most Dismal Swamp
About the Book
With the peristaltic gurglings of this gastēr-investigative procedural – a soooo welcomed addition to the ballooning corpus of slot-versatile bad eggs The Confraternity of Neoflagellants (CoN) – [users] and #influencers everywhere will be belly-joyed to hold hands with neomedieval mutter-matter that literally sticks and branches, available from punctum in both frictionless and grip-gettable boke-shaped formats.
A game-changer in Brownian temp-controlled phoneme capture, ρan-ρan’s writhing paginations are completely oxygen-soaked, overwriting the flavour profiles of 2013’s thN Lng folk 2go with no-holds-barred argumentations on all voice-like and lung-adjacent functions. Rumoured by experts to be dead to the World™, CoN has clearly turned its ear canal arrays towards the jabbering OMFG feedback signals from their scores of naive listeners, scrapping all lenticular exegesis and content profiles to construct taped-together vernacular dwellings housing ‘shrooming atmospheric awarenesses and pan-dimensional cross-talkers, making this anticipatory sequel a serious competitor across ambient markets, and a crowded kitchen in its own right.
The Confraternity of Neoflagellants was founded in 2009 by Serjeant-At-Law Norman Hogg and joined by Keeper of the Wardrobe Neil Mulholland. It is a secular and equal opportunities confraternity bound by choreograph.
La Confrérie de Neoflagellants a été fondée en 2009 par le Sergent-At-Law Hogg et rejoint par Gardien des Vêtements Mulholland. Il s'agit d'une confrérie laïque et l'égalité des chances lié par chorégraphe.
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